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These FECIT pages are snips and snaps from 30 years of art hoo-ha, unrelated to His Room as He Left It, in no particular order

i sometimes use street or place names for personal reference in headings. they just mean, “these were made at.. “


two more blobs: mica, a marble, metallics, flocking, reflective safety fabric on air-dry clay

self in a field of diamonds: acrylics on cardboard


Untitled: Doll’s tunic with pantyhose

Hair Shirt for Infants: Baby’s sweater with silver wire, my hair

I made these pieces about 20 years ago. I never knew why, I just felt compelled to do so. now I understand. this was my subconscious mind working overtime, trying to shout to me my repressed memories that I just couldn’t see until 10 months ago: #MeToo

more blobs, may 2023 metallic paints, rhinestones, marbles, mica, found fabric, reflective safety fabric, and flocking on air dry clay

Fuzzy Hinge

metallics and flocking on air-dry clay

for Rascal

morphs 1998-1999

self, tub, trees, and a Pollock painting through a glass of vodka

may 2023 angular blobs

metallic paints, rhinestones, wood, bark, galena, marble, calcite, travertine, onyx, and flocking on air-dry clay

April 2023


Tufticity levels determined by cresticulate apex over hopbobulant mean

Acrylics, aluminum, colored pencil, glass, graphite, magnet, needle, plastic, polymer clay, vellum, wire, wood

remake of a piece from 2005

with thanks to Allison Cook

Nov 27- Dec 7, 2022


plush, board, flocking, glass marbles, plastic lenses, duralar, rhinestone, styrofoam, gold and aluminum leaf, mica, sandpaper, gingko

November 2022 All the pop poems in one place

Pop Poems from 2019 - 2022

Pop into my head, line after line. When a good last line arrives, that’s where a poem ends. Most lines kept, many thrown away. That is, no editing except jettisons or the occasional suffix or simple preposition. They’re in the exact order in which they arrived. I do not write these, they just happen.

The Cutting rom floor poems are lines that fell out and formed together to make new poems.

They’re nonsense or they’re not, either way. Some revealed their meaning to me after they wrote themselves. My under-mind using funny words to work through grief. Some remain mysterious to me, others have taken on deep and crystal clear significance in my heart. They’re like diaries written in code I can only begin to comprehend after they’re compiled. 

I hope they provide you with some poignant, useful, or funny moments.

oct 2022 autumn self portraits

april-may 2022
I’d had gemstones on my mind.
I saw an event come up… Who? @georgina.lewis? My old esteemed classmate at SMFA! I will watch that..
I ordered some Czech glass garnets just to have around.
I did “garlic and sapphires in the mud“ with leftover scallions and my garnets.
I made blobs. 3D blobs with my old 2D blobs in mind. translucence and reflection in mind, as ever.
paper clay, air-dry clay, glass gemstones, faux fur, snaps, metallic leaf, bark, marbles, moonstone, mica, mohair, plaid
thank you Georgina

Downtime digital doodles 2021-2022 01027
Because I’m sick/symptomatic more often than not, and must spend many hours recuperating/regrouping with next to no vim/vigor, I end up doing these digital doodles

Nov 2021 little thumbnail sketches from around the house